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Skip Bin Hire in Dover Gardens

We have a huge range of waste containers available for short and long term hire.
We offer 2 metre, 3 metre 4 metre, 6 metre, 8 metre rubbish bins and car waste removal in some areas.

For over 17 years Jim’s waste removal franchises have developed a reputation second to none.

No matter how big or how small we have bins for hire to suit your needs like the mini bins.
Call us today or “book a bin” today and remove that unwanted rubbish and waste from your home or business.

See our complete list of services below.

Link to: Skip Bin Price PageLink to: Skip Bin Size Guide (March 2022)Link to: Skip Bins – Industries We Serve Page
Link to: Waste Types For Skip Bin HireLink to: Waste BinsLink to: Rubbish Removal Skips

Need more information about hiring a skip bin in Dover Gardens?

You may have already figured out that hiring a skip bin in Dover Gardens or its surrounding areas requires a great deal of knowledge regarding where you are able to store the bin whilst it is being used and how to then dispose of the waste once you have finished with it. Thanks to our experience spanning over a decade and our passion to our craft, Jim’s Skip Bins has all of the answers that you will ever need, as well as providing a service that will do all of the hard work for you.

Before you decide to hire a skip bin, there are some things that you should be aware of:

Permits and Restrictions

If you are hiring a skip bin for residential use, we will take care of securing the permit on your behalf. This is why it is so important to ensure that you are working with a credible company if you are a home owner, as a lack of permit will result in severe consequences if the bin is placed on public property. However, if you are a business owner and are looking to hire a skip bin for said business, the process may become a bit trickier.

If you are keeping the bin on private property, then you have nothing to worry about as you will not need a permit. If you are planning to store the skip bin on public property, however, you should consider the following:

  • You are not allowed to place a skip bin on a footpath, only a road.
  • You must not obstruct any water drains, electricity poles, or any other type of service authority asset.
  • The bin must be equipped with reflectors and lights that will allow pedestrians and motorists to see the bin from a minimum distance of 100 metres.
  • The supplier’s name and telephone number of the bin must be visible on the side of the bin is readable text.
  • If you need to store the bin in a cul-de-sac, you must acquire the written consent of all residents that the skip bin may cause obstruction for.
  • There are various options available for your permit that allow for a one-off use or an annual payment. Contact your local council for more information on these prices.

If you fail to follow any of these guidelines, you may find yourself with a hefty bill from your local council, sometimes amounting to over a thousand dollars, as well as your skip being impounded, both of which may cause unnecessary disruptions to your business and projects.

How can we help?

Well, first and foremost, we can deal with all of the difficult leg work in acquiring these permits and ensure that your skip bins are being used in a legal manner. We can then take the matter of the disposal of these materials off of your hands. If you choose to hire a skip bin from Jim’s Skip Bins, we will ensure that the only thing you have to worry about is filling it. Everything else, from the delivery of the bin to your property to the disposal of the materials, will no longer be your concern.

If you are interested in working with us and are based in Dover Gardens, call us today on 131 546 to discuss your project and receive a free quote. We look forward to hearing from you.

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